Friday, June 12, 2009

100 Layer Cake Inspired Bed Room

I loved their  Inspiration Boards so much I used one to rearrange my bed room....
I already had my walls painted the BUTTER YELLOW...I already had a BLACK dresser...I had a WHITE  down comforter and a WHITE slip covered chair...I had already made a take on one of Shabby Chic's pillows that was too pricey for me so i made my own...and that pillow had HOT PINK in it...the chippy JADITE was alittle harder to match but i had a table and chair set that needed a good home and the chairs are a chippy blue...close enough for me...almost there i went to a discount store with my youngest daughter looking for some pillows to pull it together...
i wanted something ruffley to reflect the pink ruffle dresses...$9.99 i found the HOT PINK ruffle 
rose pillow and $12.99 i found the BLACK and WHITE pillow that reminded me of the BLACK scroll lettering in the Inspiration Board...$23 bucks and i feel like i have a cute new room...
sooo fun...hope you like it too..

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